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The Bull Overnight
12:00am - 6:00am

The Bull Blog

Holiday Cooking Tips and Tricks


  1. Try using different spices, citrus, booze, and fruits to give your cranberry sauce a little more flair this year!

  2. To make your mashed potatoes stand out this year, try some new add-in’s like chopped ham, bacon bits, cream cheese, or chipotle seasoning!

  3. Sangria isn’t just for the summertime! Give your Champagne a little more of a Holiday Spice by adding some nutmeg and apples!

  4. Can't go wrong with a classic homemade Mac n Cheese! Try finishing it off with a cheesy topping and pop it into the oven to make it even crispier! 

  5. Guests hungry before the dinner is ready? Everyone loves a cheese board! Dress up a typical cheese and cracker board with some meat slices, olives, pickles and honey for drizzling over the cheese!

  6. Cant forget about dessert! Crème brûlée isn’t just for the professionals! Just make sure to make your custard a day in advance and right before serving get your sugar and blowtorch out to finish off the signature crystallized topping!

The Bull Overnight
12:00am - 6:00am
The Bull Overnight

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