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The Morning Bull Ride
6:00am - 12:00pm

The Bull Blog

Find and Eat BBQ All While Getting Paid?

Where was this perfect summer job when I was a kid?


Reynold’s Wrap is making dreams come true….paying someone to eat and travel all summer! You can become the Chief Grilling Officer for the foil king, while traveling across the country for two weeks (all expenses paid) in order to find the best ribs in America. You and a friend will travel far and wide trying to find the most delectable grub and make $10,000 in the process. Requirements? You must LOVE barbeque and share all your doings on social media platforms. Sounds like easy money!


If you think you can be the BBQ master and take the title of CGO to its limit, write a quick 100 word essay about why you deserve the gig and send it alongside a picture to careers@ReynoldsWrapCGO.com

The Morning Bull Ride
6:00am - 12:00pm
The Morning Bull Ride

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